Types of Research

Our genealogy sources for County Donegal include parish records, civil records of birth, deaths and marriages, property valuation and the 1901 and 1911 census returns.  Our supplementary sources include tombstone inscriptions, trade directories, 17th and 18th century census substitutes, estate records, school roll books, local histories, a variety of passenger lists and other miscellaneous sources.

  • Preliminary Search and Assessment
  • Family History Reports
  • Single Record Search
  • Consultation with Researcher
  • Online Database Search

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Preliminary Search and Assessment

A preliminary assessment explores the feasibility of genealogical research by examining sources of potential relevance for your family history.   On receipt of an application and initial fee our Researcher will assess your information and you will receive a report that will outline the sources that were searched, whether any relevant records were located and the feasibility of conducting further research.  It will not include details contained in any records uncovered at this stage.  The initial assessment fee is non-refundable and covers one family lineage.  Due to the variations in availability, quality and commencement dates of Irish genealogical records successful results cannot be guaranteed and we may not be able to proceed beyond the preliminary assessment stage.  In this event we will if possible try to advise how you might further pursue your research.   The success of your application may also depend on the quality of the information you provide on your application.  To avail of a preliminary assessment please fill out the Research Request Form and return it to us.


Family History Report

If relevant records are uncovered during the preliminary assessment, our Researcher will recommend a Family History Report or transcript of the records and will quote you the relevant fee.  The Family History Report will include transcripts, or where appropriate, copies of the records uncovered, a summary of the research carried out, a description of the sources that are searched, details of the administrative and geographic divisions, information when available on the family surnames and local parish history.  Every Family History Report compiled by the Researcher is individually researched and can only be priced after an assessment. The cost will depend on the number of records uncovered and prices may range from €120 to €600.



Record Search

A record search is conducted when a customer requests a search of a particular source for one record, e.g. a baptismal record, death or a marriage record. If the search is successful you will receive a transcript of the entry. The fee is non-refundable and it is not conditional on a successful result and covers the researchers time and administration. To avail of this search, please fill out the Research Request Form and return it to us. A successful Record Search will identify the place of origin of the ancestor and the Researcher will advise if it is feasible to conduct further research.


General Query

A fee will apply to general queries about such matters as placenames, maps, churches, surnames, genealogy sources, historic documents etc


Consultation with Researcher

A consultation can be arranged if you wish to meet and discuss your family history enquiry with our Researcher. This service is by appointment only and is subject to availability. It is helpful to prepare a summary of the family history query in advance. The consultation fee is non-refundable. To arrange a suitable time and location please contact the Researcher by email or telephone. Contact Us